Application for Exemption

Some types of activities in the World Heritage Area require an application for exemption.

Principles of Exemption
In general exemption is only given to projects or arrangements which in the application clearly document a purpose which is estimated to:
1) further research on an international level or
2) serve Greenlandic interests on a national and/or local level

Moreover exemption is only given to activities that:

  • do not pollute, destroy or in any other way harm the nature of the area, its cultural history or recreational values
  • do not prevent other users from having access to the area
  • are of a non-permanent nature

Exemption will only in special cases be given to applications that:

  • require helicopter landing in areas outside the approved landing grounds in the area
  • require traffic with motor vehicles on land

Conditions of Exemption
In case of exemption the authorities assess whether the activity requiring exemption will need special surveillance. In cases where special surveillance is deemed necessary, the onus is on the applicant to foot all surveillance bills. The Ilulissat Icefjord Office appoints the surveillance team and establishes the extent of the surveillance.

In case of exemption in the contexts of research, filming, etc., one copy of the material produced must be forwarded to the Ilulissat Icefjord Office. The material must be forwarded within 12 months of the completion of the project or the arrangement.

In the case of application for exemption for a temporary installation of scientific equipment, documentation equipment and other effects in the protected area, it is required that the application contains a description of how and when the equipment will be removed from the area. Moreover, photographic documentation of the removal of the equipment must be sent to Ilulissat Icefjord Office.

The Application
Application for exemption is made via the application form, which can be downloaded here. The completed form is sent to:

The Department of Interior Affairs, Nature, and Environment
Imaneq 4, PO Box 1015
3900 Nuuk

The latest deadline for applications for exemption is one month prior to the desired inception date of the activity requiring exemption.

Exemption cases are settled by the Greenland Home Rule Government after a hearing of the Ilulissat Icefjord Office.